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Urban agriculture as nature-based solutions: Three key strategies to tackle emerging issues on food security

《工程管理前沿(英文)》   页码 736-741 doi: 10.1007/s42524-023-0262-4

摘要: Urban agriculture as nature-based solutions: Three key strategies to tackle emerging issues on food security in Chinese cities under climatic and non-climatic challenges

关键词: key strategies tackle     Urban agriculture nature     challenges    



《中国工程科学》 2002年 第4卷 第2期   页码 1-7



关键词: 生平     求知     科技攻关     工作作风     思想品德     革命情操    

influence of chlorinated aromatics' structure on their adsorption characteristics on activated carbon to tackle

Pengfei LIN,Yuan ZHANG,Xiaojian ZHANG,Chao CHEN,Yuefeng XIE,Irwin H SUFFET

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2015年 第9卷 第1期   页码 138-146 doi: 10.1007/s11783-014-0725-2

摘要: This study focused on evaluating the efficiency of powdered activated carbon (PAC) adsorption process and tackling chlorobenzenes and chlorophenols spill in drinking water source. The adsorption kinetics and PAC’s capacities for five chlorobenzenes and three chlorophenols at drinking water contamination levels were studied in order to determine the influence of different functional groups on the adsorption behavior. The results showed that PAC adsorption could be used as an effective emergency drinking water treatment process to remove these compounds. The adsorption kinetics took 30 min to achieve nearly equilibrium and could be described by both pseudo first-order and pseudo second-order models. A mathematic relationship was developed between the pseudo first-order adsorption rate constant, k , and the solutes’ properties including lg , polarizability and molecular weight. The Freundlich isotherm equation could well describe the adsorption equilibrium behaviors of chlorinated aromatics with from 0.920 to 0.999. The H-bond donor/acceptor group, hydrophobicity, solubility and molecular volume were identified as important solute properties that affect the PAC adsorption capacity. These results could assist water professionals in removing chlorinated aromatics during emergency drinking water treatment.

关键词: chlorinated aromatics     adsorption     powdered activated carbon     kinetics     equilibrium    

Surgical robotics: A look-back of latest advancement and bio-inspired ways to tackle existing challenges

Yang LIU, Jing LIU

《机械工程前沿(英文)》 2012年 第7卷 第4期   页码 376-384 doi: 10.1007/s11465-012-0352-1


This article is dedicated to present a review on existing challenges and latest developments in surgical robotics in attempts to overcome the obstacles lying behind. Rather than to perform an exhaustive evaluation, we would emphasize more on the new insight by digesting the emerging bio-inspired surgical technologies with potentials to revolutionize the field. Typical approaches, possible applications, advantages and technical challenges were discussed. Evolutions of surgical robotics and future trends were analyzed. It can be found that, the major difficulties in the field of surgical robots may not be properly addressed by only using conventional approaches. As an alternative, bio-inspired methods or materials may shed light on new innovations. While endeavors to deal with existing strategies still need to be made, attentions should be paid to also borrow ideas from nature.

关键词: minimally invasive surgery     surgical robotics     haptic feedback     miniaturization     bio-inspiration     bionics    

Geoengineering and the blockchain: Coordinating Carbon Dioxide Removal and Solar Radiation Management to tackle

Andrew LOCKLEY, Zhifu MI, D’Maris COFFMAN

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2019年 第6卷 第1期   页码 38-51 doi: 10.1007/s42524-019-0010-y


Geoengineering is a proposed response to anthropogenic global warming (AGW). Conventionally it consists of two strands: Solar Radiation Management (SRM), which is fast-acting, incomplete but inexpensive, and Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR), which is slower acting, more expensive, and comprehensive. Pairing SRM and CDR offers a contractually complete solution for future emissions if effectively-scaled and coordinated. SRM offsets warming, while CDR takes effect. We suggest coordination using a blockchain, i.e. smart contracts and a distributed ledger. Specifically, we integrate CDR futures with time and volume-matched SRM orders, to address emissions contractually before release. This provides an economically and environmentally proportionate solution to CO2 emissions at the wellhead, with robust contractual transparency, and minimal overhead cost.

关键词: Geoengineering     Solar Radiation Management     Carbon Dioxide Removal     futures markets     smart contracts     blockchain    



《中国工程科学》 2022年 第24卷 第4期   页码 222-229 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2022.04.019


尽快突破航空发动机产业的关键核心技术是保障国家战略安全的迫切需求,创新力量的有效组织成为关键核心技术攻关实践中亟待解决的瓶颈问题。本文梳理了我国航空发动机科研生产体系中的创新主体构成现状,剖析了实施协同创新面临的迫切问题;进一步阐明了航空发动机关键核心技术攻关过程中各主体的角色定位,涵盖政府、军队、中国航发、专业化维修企业、上 / 下游企业、高校和科研院所等。研究认为,统筹安排并科学布局关键核心技术攻关工作、设计相应制度与机制以引导激励各类主体主动对接国家战略、重视需求侧对技术发展的牵引作用、由领军企业主导构建一批面向用户需求与产品问题的创新联合体、以重大项目为载体构建创新生态系统,由此高效组织各类主体协同攻关航空发动机关键核心技术。

《一、 前言》

一、 前言


根据World Air Forces 2021相关数据,在数量上,我国军用飞机不到航空强国的1/4;在构成上,我国战斗机中的二代机占比超过45%,而发达国家基本淘汰了二代机。随着我国经济实力的增强与国际地位的提升,一些国家将中国视为竞争对手,相应的国际形势发生明显变化。国防实力是大国博弈的基础和支撑。我国应尽快突破国产航空发动机关键核心技术,促进航空发动机产业链、供应链的自主可控和科技自立自强,以此增强空域控制权并保障国家安全。

关键核心技术指控制同行业技术制高点的技术体系,具有不可替代、不易掌握、难以超越的突出特征 [1]。因基础知识和跨学科知识交叉的极高要求,突破航空发动机关键核心技术需要采取多类创新力量深度合作的形式。例如,涡轮盘技术曾是我国航空发动机发展的难点,中国航发北京航空材料研究院与主机厂所、专业工厂、高校等组成联合攻关团队,以深度合作形式攻克了粉末涡轮盘研制技术难题。然而,创新力量的有效组织是我国关键核心技术攻关实践中亟待解决的瓶颈问题 [2],相关研究整体上处于起步阶段,如关键核心技术攻关的新型举国体制模式 [2,3]、“产学研”深度融合模式 [4]、创新生态系统模式 [5]、多主体均衡 [6]等。这些研究成果可为航空发动机关键核心技术突破提供一般性的思路借鉴,也因未能与航空发动机产业紧密结合而欠针对性。


《二、 航空发动机科研生产体系创新主体构成及协同创新问题分析》

二、 航空发动机科研生产体系创新主体构成及协同创新问题分析

《(一) 创新主体构成现状》

(一) 创新主体构成现状

经过数十年的发展,我国航空发动机产业已经形成涵盖研发设计、加工制造、运营维修三大环节的科研生产体系。① 研发设计环节分为基础预研、子系统设计、整机集成设计等子环节,参与主体为中国航发系统内单位、航空类高校及相关科研院所。② 加工制造环节涉及原材料、零部件、整机集成等子环节,参与主体除了中国航发系统内单位,还包括系统外企业、科研院所。③ 运营主体主要是军队,维修主体包括中国航发下属维修企业和专业化维修企业。值得指出的是,在推进军民功能结合的背景下,“小核心、大协作,专业化、开放型”思路的科研体系建设逐步深入,吸引了众多民营企业参与航空发动机产业链。民营企业在细分领域精耕细作,实现了产品专精化与差异化,为航空发动机产业发展注入了活力。我国航空发动机科研生产体系的创新主体构成如图1所示。


图1 我国航空发动机科研生产体系创新主体构成

《(二) 协同创新存在的问题》

(二) 协同创新存在的问题



二是主要环节的“数据孤岛”。研发设计、加工制造、运营维修环节的信息共享是各类创新主体高效协同的基础。由于管理体制的原因,目前各环节间的“数据孤岛”现象较为突出。① 研发设计与加工制造环节的“数据孤岛”。我国航空发动机设计所与承制厂是分离的,导致设计环节信息与制造环节信息不易及时共享,“设计不了解工艺能力、不掌握工艺过程实现,工艺不了解设计准则、不理解设计意图”等现象时有发生。② 设计制造和维修环节的“数据孤岛”。我国航空发动机研发设计、加工制造环节主要由工业部门(中国航发)承担,而维修保障工作绝大部分则由军队管理的专业化维修企业承担;这就导致维修保障环节长期积累的大量维修数据和专业知识,无法有效反哺型号的改进升级及新研,从而制约了自主研制水平、服务保障能力的提升。

三是科研成果的“技术孤岛”。① 中国航发系统内部的“技术孤岛”。中国航发高度重视科技信息共享与成果转化工作,采取了系列相关措施(如搭建科技成果信息共享平台,实现科技成果与相关知识产权的信息共享,提供科技成果信息查询、筛选等服务)来推动直属单位成果的自我实施与转化工作;但由于各单位之间业务竞争关系造成壁垒,叠加军工企业严格的保密要求,导致各项研究成果向其他企业和全行业的推广转化率偏低 [7]。② “产学研”之间的“技术孤岛”。尽管中国航发积极推动“产学研”合作并取得进展,但受高校和科研院所科技成果转化激励机制等因素的影响,目前支持“成果对接产业”的体制机制仍不够通畅;高校和科研院所主导的发明、专利、论文等基础研究科技成果,大部分无法与产业需求适配。

《三、 航空发动机关键核心技术攻关的相关主体分析》

三、 航空发动机关键核心技术攻关的相关主体分析

航空发动机事关国家发展与国防安全,关键核心技术攻关是典型的使命型任务,需要基于举国体制模式统筹并组织产业精锐力量开展协同攻关。航空发动机关键核心技术攻关涉及的主体有政府、军队、中国航发系统内的研发机构和企业、中国航发系统以外的上 / 下游企业、专业化维修企业、高校和科研院所等。各类主体的主要利益诉求以及在关键核心技术攻关中的角色定位均存在差异性(见图2)。


图2 我国航空发动机关键核心技术攻关主体利益诉求与角色定位

《(一) 政府》

(一) 政府


《(二) 军队》

(二) 军队

军队是国产航空发动机的主要用户,相关需求是航空发动机产业发展的重要依据。军队在航空发动机自主创新发展过程中的关键职责之一就是科学提出军事需求、精准牵引产业发展。通常,军队用户要求制造商提供技术先进的航空发动机,追求高的作战性能和高可靠性;应及时采集、科学分析在部队战备训练或者作战使用过程中暴露出的航空发动机问题,及时准确反馈至工业部门,联合研究并提出改进建议,稳妥推动航空发动机的改进 / 改型及新研。

《(三) 中国航发》

(三) 中国航发


《(四) 专业化维修企业》

(四) 专业化维修企业

专业化维修企业是我国航空发动机产业体系中的重要力量,在维修过程中积累了大量的状态数据与故障数据。这些维修数据和知识若能有效反哺到型号的改进 / 改型及新研,将实质性促进航空发动机研制水平的提升。当前处于“全面聚焦备战打仗”时期,实战化训练强度的增加产生了大量的航空发动机装备损耗数据,应及时将这些数据反馈到研发设计和加工制造环节。可以参照的是,世界航空发动机强国的产业体系均具有设计制造与维修保障一体化的特征,为主要环节数据的及时共享与融通使用提供了基本保障。

《(五) 上 / 下游企业》

(五) 上 / 下游企业

按照价值链分工理论,在全球化分工的时代背景下,任何产业的创新发展除了需要大型企业的“牵引”,也离不开上 / 下游企业的“支撑”[8]。航空发动机产业也是如此,关键核心技术攻关需要中国航发以及航发系统外的、在产业链相关细分领域具有技术优势的“专精特新”企业的高度协同,尽快建立“大型企业引领、专精特新企业推动”的协同技术创新体系。近年来,随着军用航空发动机需求的加速释放以及军民功能结合战略的持续深化,不少优秀民营企业进入了航空发动机领域。鉴于航空发动机整机研制难度极大、风险极高,民营企业多从材料、零部件环节切入航空发动机领域,致力于在航空发动机某些专业方向“精耕细作”;积极承担型号科研生产任务,成为航空动力领域的重要供应商 [9]。

《(六) 高校和科研院所》

(六) 高校和科研院所


《四、 航空发动机关键核心技术攻关主体的组织策略》

四、 航空发动机关键核心技术攻关主体的组织策略

军品供应商的认证流程严格且复杂,从预研到最终批产评审往往需要多年时间;一旦通过批产评审,双方会形成长期稳定的合作关系。因此,航空发动机产业的资质、技术、客户转换成本等壁垒较高,直接导致产业体系的供应商竞争格局相对稳定、市场参与主体相对较少。我国航空发动机产业目前仍处于“跟跑”阶段,市场需求较为确定、技术路线较为明确。基于航空发动机产业的属性与特征,政府采取集中力量并进行战略性统筹模式开展关键核心技术攻关,预期成效显著。在现阶段我国航空发动机产业技术范式下,这种组织模式出现信号失真、资源错配的可能性较小,兼具制度合理性和经济合理性 [10]。



图3 我国航空发动机关键核心技术攻关主体的组织策略

《(一) 基于全局观和协同观,统筹安排并科学布局关键核心技术攻关》

(一) 基于全局观和协同观,统筹安排并科学布局关键核心技术攻关


《(二) 考虑各类创新主体的差异性利益诉求,设计有效引导和激励各类主体主动与国家战略紧密对接的制度与机制》

(二) 考虑各类创新主体的差异性利益诉求,设计有效引导和激励各类主体主动与国家战略紧密对接的制度与机制

突破现有政策体系的竞争性思维,转向采用整合性思维,引导各类主体形成对航空发动机关键核心技术协同攻关的科学认知与共识;激发使命感并形成公共利益至上导向,从而为了联合攻关可放弃一定的局部利益,最大程度形成创新合力。建议设置航空动力科学与技术一级学科,设立航空动力国家实验室,全面建设学科人才培养体系,提升优质、高端人才培养的速度与数量;对于航空发动机研制涉及的空气动力学、工程热物理、机械、电子、自动控制等学科,探索实现从基础研究到应用研究再到产业化的贯通,支持和促进跨学科研究;鼓励航空基础科研工作面向国家重大需求,加强论文、专利等研究成果的工程化导向。构建高校、科研院所与企业之间的人才流动机制,支持科研人员到企业兼职。将国家意志有效施加至企业经营层面,完善企业管理层的考核机制,驱动重视关键核心技术攻关;对于跨任期的项目,注重考核项目支持的连续性;落实尽职免责的宽容失败机制,培育具有企业家精神的战略型管理者 [11]。

《(三) 重视需求侧对关键核心技术发展的牵引作用,鼓励用户使用国产发动机》

(三) 重视需求侧对关键核心技术发展的牵引作用,鼓励用户使用国产发动机

用户出于发动机性能要求、对国产发动机替代进口发动机可靠性的担忧以及受相关领域发展政策及管理办法的限制,致使我国航空发动机的内需潜力尚未有效转化为国产航空发动机关键核心技术的研发动力 [2]。一般认为,需求侧的牵引作用对于产业关键核心技术研发至关重要,着重体现在两方面:为关键核心技术提供测试、应用场景,在飞行实践中不断试错和测试,积累经验数据以助力性能持续提升;通过产品转化、大规模应用,实现关键核心技术的产业价值。政府应重视需求侧的牵引作用,鼓励用户敢用、多用国产发动机;可参考“航空动力强国”,以立法形式促进国产发动机及其配套产品的扩大使用与迭代更新 [12]。将关键技术突破、样品规模应用、产业生态培育紧密结合起来,通过需求端的市场释放不断提高核心产品与技术的稳定性及可靠性,根本性保障航空发动机关键核心技术突破。

《(四) 突出领军企业的牵头抓总作用,构建一批面向用户需求与产品问题的创新联合体》

(四) 突出领军企业的牵头抓总作用,构建一批面向用户需求与产品问题的创新联合体

行业领军企业是举国体制落地模式中的技术创新主导者 [13]。中国航发作为我国航空发动机科研生产的龙头企业,肩负国家重大使命,拥有丰富创新资源。在关键核心技术协同攻关过程中,应强化中国航发在目标任务确定、攻关组织、成果转化应用等方面的牵头抓总作用;协同高校、科研院所、上 / 下游企业等,面向用户具体需求与产品具体问题,按照“小核心、大协作,专业化、开放型”架构,建立一批融通互动、紧密协同、合作共赢的“政产学研用”创新联合体;实施以产业化为导向、基础研究与应用研究相融合的协同创新 [14],构建航空发动机跨生命周期的集成产品研制模式。鼓励中国航发探索构建面向上 / 下游企业尤其是民营企业的协同机制,实现资源开放、能力共享;支持链上企业在细分技术方向的能力提升,引导其融入由领军企业引领的创新联合攻关体系。借鉴国内外重大项目的系统工程实施经验,支持重点企业、科研院所联合开展航空发动机关键核心技术攻关;支持中国航发打造原创技术策源地、组建产业创新实验室,促进基础预研到应用研究、应用研究到产业技术的高效转化。

《(五) 以重大项目为载体构建创新生态系统,探索项目管理新机制》

(五) 以重大项目为载体构建创新生态系统,探索项目管理新机制

面向航空发动机关键核心技术攻关的重大项目,是整合全行业资源、构建“政产学研用”高效协作生态、实现产业链融通创新的重要载体 [15]。在重大项目参与主体的遴选方面,注重纳入产业链上 / 下游具有较强实力的“专精特新”民营科技企业,从而构建“大型领先企业引领、专精特新企业推动”,关键核心技术攻关使命导向型的创新生态系统。积极探索与之适应的项目管理新机制,为重大项目的高质量实施、技术攻关的可靠推进提供保障。为了避免责任的碎片化、提升相关主体的能动性,应采用专家评估、基础数据监测相结合的方式,建立科学、合理、全面、分级、量化的评估指标体系,据此进行重大项目绩效评价,增强项目成员信任度并确保评价科学及客观性。及时总结重大项目运行过程中的经验教训,完善相应的体制机制,为国家重大项目体系的运行提升提供关键借鉴。

《五、 结语》

五、 结语





Received date:April 8, 2022; Revised date:July 12, 2022

Corresponding author:Xiang Qiao is a research fellow from China Aero Engine Group Co., Ltd., and a member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering. Her major research fields include aero-engine technology and engineering management. E-mail: xiang_qiao@vip.126.com

Funding project:Chinese Academy of Engineering project “Research on the Independent Innovation and Development of the Aero-Engine Industry” (2020-XY-33)

关键词: 航空发动机     关键核心技术     协同创新     创新联合体     举国体制模式    



《中国工程科学》 2020年 第22卷 第5期   页码 121-127 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2020.05.011



关键词: 高性能合成树脂     高性能聚烯烃     产业趋势     关键技术    


Sean O’Neill

《工程(英文)》 2020年 第6卷 第2期   页码 102-104 doi: 10.1016/j.eng.2019.12.003

Cooling strategies and transport theories for brain hypothermia resuscitation

LIU Jing

《能源前沿(英文)》 2007年 第1卷 第1期   页码 32-57 doi: 10.1007/s11708-007-0004-z

摘要: The brain is one of the most important organs in a biological body whose normal function depends heavily on an uninterrupted delivery of oxygen. Unlike skeletal muscles that can survive for hours without oxygen, neuron cells in the brain are easily subjected to an irreversible damage within minutes from the onset of oxygen deficiency. With the interruption of cardiopulmonary circulation in many cardiac surgical procedures or accidental events leading to cerebral circulation arrest, an imbalance between energy production and consumption will occur which causes a rapid depletion of oxygen due to the interrupted blood-flow to the brain. Meanwhile, the cooling function of the blood flow on the hot tissue will be stopped, while metabolic heat generation in the tissues still keeps running for awhile. Under such adverse situations, the potential for cerebral protection through hypothermia has been intensively investigated in clinics by lowering brain temperature to restrain the cerebral oxygen demands. The reason can be attributed to the decreased metabolic requirements of the cold brain tissues, which allows a longer duration for the brain to endure reduced oxygen delivery. It is now clear that hypothermia would serve as the principal way for neurologic protection in a wide variety of emergency medicines, especially in cerebral damage, anoxia, circulatory arrest, respiratory occlusion, etc. However, although brain cooling has been found uniquely significant in clinical practices, the serious lack of knowledge on the mechanisms involved prevents its further advancement in brain resuscitation. Compared with the expanded trials in clinics, only very limited efforts were made to probe the engineering issues involved, which turns out to be a major obstacle for the successful operation of brain hypothermia resuscitation. From the viewpoint of biothermal medical engineering, the major theories and strategies for administering brain cooling can generally be classified into three categories: heat transfer, oxygen transport and cooling strategy. Aiming to provide a complete overview of the brain hypothermia resuscitation, this article comprehensively summarizes the recent progresses made in theoretical, practical and experimental techniques in the area. Particularly, attention is paid to the mathematical models to quantify the heat and oxygen transport inside the cerebral tissues. Typical cooling strategies to effectively lower brain temperature and thus decrease oxygen consumption rate in the cerebral tissues are analyzed. Approaches to deliver oxygen directly to the target tissues are discussed. Meanwhile, some future efforts worth pursuing within the area of brain cooling are suggested.

关键词: mathematical     interruption     hypothermia     metabolic     generation    


《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2021年 第8卷 第1期


• NZ dairy farming systems are based on year-round grazing of perennial pasture (ryegrass/white clover).

• Milk production per hectare has increased by about 29% with increased use of externally-sourced feeds over the last two decades.

• Externally-sourced feeds with a low protein concentration can potentially reduce N2O emissions and N leaching per unit of production.

• Systems analysis is important for evaluating mitigations to minimize trade-offs between environmental impacts.


This paper provides an overview of the range of dairy pasture grazing systems used in New Zealand (NZ), the changes with increased inputs over time and associated key environmental effects including nitrogen (N) leaching and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. NZ dairy farming systems are based on year-round grazing and seasonal milk production on perennial ryegrass/clover pasture where cows are rotationally grazed in paddocks. There was an increase in stocking rate on NZ dairy farms from 2.62 cows ha1 in 2000/2001 to 2.84 cows ha1 in 2015/2016. During the same period annual milk solids production increased from 315 to 378 kg·yrper cow. This performance has coincided with an increase in N fertilizer use (by ~ 30%) and a twofold increase in externally-sourced feeds. Externally-sourced feeds with a low protein concentration (e.g., maize silage) can increase the efficiency of N utilization and potentially reduce N losses per unit of production. Off-paddock facilities (such as standoff or feed pads) are often used to restrict grazing during very wet winter conditions. A systems analysis of contrasting dairy farms in Waikato (largest NZ dairying region) indicates that the increased input would result in an increase in per-cow milk production but little change in efficiency of milk production from a total land use perspective. This analysis also shows that the increased inputs caused an 11% decrease in N footprint (i.e., N emissions per unit of milk production) and a 2% increase in C footprint (i.e., greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions per unit of milk production).jiafa.luo@agresearch.co.nz

Breeding strategies for increasing yield potential in super hybrid rice

Shihua CHENG,Xiaodeng ZHAN,Liyong CAO

《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2015年 第2卷 第4期   页码 277-282 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2015081

摘要: Super hybrid rice breeding is a new breeding method combining semi-dwarf breeding and heterosis breeding using germplasm and gene-environment interactions. This paper reviews the breeding strategies of super hybrid rice breeding in China, focusing on the utilization of heterosis of indica and japonica subspecies, construction of ideal plant architecture and pyramiding of disease resistant genes in restorer lines. To develop super hybrid rice, considerable effort should be made to explore genes related with high yield, good quality, resistance to pests and diseases, tolerance to stresses. Molecular breeding methods in combination with crossing techniques should be adopted in super hybrid rice breeding.

关键词: super hybrid rice     breeding strategies     yield potential    

Bioaerosol: A Key Vessel between Environment and Health

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2021年 第15卷 第3期 doi: 10.1007/s11783-021-1422-6


《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2023年 第10卷 第3期   页码 390-402 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2023504


● Microbial fermentation in the rumen is a main source of methane emissions.

关键词: nutritional strategy     mitigation     microbe     methane     ruminant    

Management strategies of marine food resources under multiple stressors with particular reference of

Qisheng TANG

《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2014年 第1卷 第1期   页码 85-90 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2014021


In this study two main management strategies are discussed: one is to develop resource conservation-based capture fisheries, and the other is to develop environmentally friendly aquaculture. During the resource recovery period, the development of environmentally friendly aquaculture should be encouraged, especially in integrated multi-trophic aquaculture, which is adaptive, efficient and sustainable. For future development and better understanding the ecosystem, it is necessary to further strengthen basic research.

关键词: marine     ecosystem     management strategies     food resources     Yellow Sea    

Basic consideration of research strategies for head and neck cancer


《医学前沿(英文)》 2012年 第6卷 第4期   页码 339-353 doi: 10.1007/s11684-012-0213-7


Head and neck cancer (HNC) consists of a group of malignancies affecting closely related anatomical regions of the upper aerodigestive tract (UADT), including the oral cavity, salivary glands, upper and lower jaw bones and facial skin; the nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses, pharynx, larynx and thyroid gland (although the latter is often excluded and considered as part of endocrine neoplasms). Of these, 90% of HNCs are histologically squamous cell carcinomas originating from the mucosal lining. These malignancies are strongly associated with certain environmental and life-style risk factors, principally tobacco in both smoked and smokeless forms, excessive alcohol consumption, diets poor in antioxidants and essential micronutrients, UV light, chemicals used in certain workplaces, and viruses, principally certain strains of human papillomavirus (HPV) and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). These cancers are frequently aggressive in their biological behaviour with local invasion and metastasis to lymph nodes in the neck. Since most patients are already at late stages of disease at the time of diagnosis, the desirable practice of early diagnosis (first sign of the malignant lesion at an initial stage ) and early treatment, a critical priority to save lives and retain quality of life, is difficult to implement. Thus, primary prevention has been set as a key goal. This article aims to reinforce the basic knowledge of aetiology, key risk factors related to the development of head and neck cancer, basic features of clinical appearance of this group of cancers, and strategies for prevention and early detection. We also suggest basic research strategies on the basis of current knowledge, which should ultimately lead to the improvement of clinical management.

关键词: clinical management     head and neck cancer     prevention and early detection     research strategies     risk factors    

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Sean O’Neill


Cooling strategies and transport theories for brain hypothermia resuscitation

LIU Jing




Breeding strategies for increasing yield potential in super hybrid rice

Shihua CHENG,Xiaodeng ZHAN,Liyong CAO


Bioaerosol: A Key Vessel between Environment and Health




Management strategies of marine food resources under multiple stressors with particular reference of

Qisheng TANG


Basic consideration of research strategies for head and neck cancer

